Technical Help
The term "LAN Update Process" refers to the procedure for updating software on devices within a Local Area Network (LAN). This involves ensuring that all connected devices have the latest software features, security patches, and bug fixes. The steps ...
TRACES Websocket Esigner error
Error in establishing connection with TRACES Websocket Esigner. Please ensure that WebSigner Setup is installed and services is running on your machine and there are no proxies enabled on the browser while doing DSC activities. Root Cause of the ...
WHAT IS LAN SETTING AND ITS OBJECTIVE LAN (Local Area Network) setup is developed by connecting two or more than two computers with each other using a physical connection or Wi-Fi in order to share files and data overtime. As specified above, ...
When Software icons/color do show properly - How to Resolve
Solution: Go to the location "C:\Program Files\K.D.K. Software\Spectrum" OR "C:\Program Files (x86)\K.D.K. Software\Spectrum". Right click on Zen Spectrum icon (red color) and go to "Properties" tab. Now go to "compatibility" tab, in this window ...
Mobile Number and e-mail ID Change Process
Mobile Number and e-mail ID Change Process Step 1: Open Step 2: Using your registered mobile number or User credentials login on the said website. User Credentials Registered Mobile Number > OTP Step 3: ...
ADDRESS Change Process
Address Change Process: Step 1: Open Step 2: Using your registered mobile number or User credentials login on the said website. User Credentials Registered Mobile Number > OTP Step 3: Once log-in you ...
Data Source name not found and no default driver specified
Please note that this error normally occurs when "mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.12" is not installed on your system. The provided solution aims to resolve an error by reinstalling a specific driver. Here is a summarized version of the steps: Navigate to ...
Validity unknown error after signing the documents
After opening a signed document in Acrobat Reader, you get an error message that says 'The validity of your signature is UNKNOWN', as shown in this picture. To resolve this validity unknow error, please follow the steps below: Right click on Validity ...
How to recover data through .kbu Files?
Data restoration through .kbu files is specifically designed for retrieving Spectrum data, excluding TDS. To restore your data, follow the steps outlined below: Step 1: Locate .kbu Files Go to the C Drive > Windows directory. Identify files with the ...
Can't connect to MySQL server on 'LOCALHOST' (10061)
MySQL is a relational database management system based on SQL – Structured Query Language. The application is used for a wide range of purposes, including data warehousing, e-commerce, and logging applications. KDK Software uses MySQL as its back-end ...
How to install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition with KDK instance for TDS / eXBace (On - Premise) application
Please follow the steps below to install the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express with KDK Instance for TDS application: Open website : MSSQL LINK If it is 64-bit then download "SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe" or if it is 32-bit download "SQLEXPR_x86_ENU.exe". ...
GST Software > GSTR-9C > Error Occurred, please close the browser, close the Utility and try again.
Solution: All of us know that we need to first download GSTR 9C utility from GST portal’s Download section and Import our JSON file in this through " Open GSTR-9C JSON File Downloaded from GST Portal" option, still after this our job is not over. ...
Self-Renew your KDK Software & Save Time
Time To Self-Renew Your Software Subscription For AY 2020-21 Just Click, Pay & Renew! Wondering why should you Self Renew? Because you can Self-enter your GSTIN and ensure it’s correctness to be eligible for ITC Review prices more transparently, ...
Invalid Form Name Visual Styles-related operation resulted in an error because no visual style is currently active
This error usually occurs while opening the Balance sheet option in the Income Tax software for Company cases (Private Limited or Public Limited). Invalid Form Name: Visual Styles-related operation resulted in an error because no visual style was ...
Cannot open file .myi (error: 145)
If there is any sort of malfunctioning in executing the software and due to any reason if the software gets automatically closed /shutdown, the user would encounter the error 145 Solution: Please follow the below troubleshoot (on the server system of ...
Sharing Procedure
Sharing a folder on your computer allows other users on the same network to access its contents. The steps can vary slightly depending on your operating system. Windows 10: Navigate to the Folder: Locate and right-click on the folder you want to ...