Income Tax || XML Error Locator

Income Tax || XML Error Locator

It sounds like the XML Error Locator feature in the Zen IT software is a valuable addition for users dealing with XML file validation, especially for income tax-related computations and returns. 
Here's a step-by-step summary of how to enable and use this feature:

Enable Feature:      Navigate to the path: Tools --> Income tax options --> Functional Option --> Point 35b.


Check mark the point and save the details.

Generate XML File:      After the customer generates the computation, proceed to generate the XML file, such as ITR-1.


Error Detection:      If there are any errors during the XML file validation, the system will highlight the issues.


Using the XML Error Locator Feature:      Access the error details screen.
Look for the option represented by three dots (...), indicating the XML Error Locator feature.


Locate Error Path:      Click on the three dots to initiate the XML Error Locator feature.
The feature will then identify and display the specific path within the XML file where the error or issue is located.

Versatility:      The feature is applicable for both ITR returns and Audit cases.

It requires a single check mark at Point no. 35b to be activated for both scenarios (ITR and Audit Case).
This feature enhances the user experience by providing a convenient way to pinpoint the exact location of errors in XML files. 
Users can efficiently rectify issues by navigating directly to the identified path, streamlining the debugging process and ensuring accurate and error-free XML submissions for income tax purposes.

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