XML upload error regarding ICDS adjustment

XML upload error regarding ICDS adjustment

Possible Solution

Example 1 In the case of "Increase in the profit or decrease in loss because of deviation, if any, as per Income Computation Disclosure Standards notified under section 145(2) [column 11b(iii) or Schedule ICDS] "
Go into Transactions > Business & Profession income > expanses
Select Description "Increase in Profit or Decrease in loss of ICDS or Deviation in Method of valuation of stock " and enter Increase value

Example 2 In case of "Decrease in the profit or increase in loss because of deviation, if any, as per Income Computation Disclosure Standards notified under section 145(2) [column 11b(iii) or Schedule ICDS]"
Go into Transactions > Business & Profession income > expanses
Select Description "Decrease in Profit or Decrease in loss of ICDS or Deviation in Method of valuation of stock " and enter Decrease value
Check detail in ITR Form "Part A-OI Other Information "
Check In Schedule BP

This is correct as per the checks applied by us, however, not completely sure about this and needs to be further checked
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