Windows Installer / Run Time error 1706

Windows Installer / Run Time error 1706

Close all instances of the KDK software desktop application, including any installation windows of Spectrum.msi / Tax Suite.msi.


Process to Check the Cause of the Issue and Restore the File:

Step 1: Open the Event Viewer:

  • Click on the Start Button.
  • Search and select "Event Viewer."
  • Navigate to "Windows Logs" and then select "Application."
  • Check for any Warning messages related to the issue.


Step 2: Identify the Root Cause:

  • Review the Warning messages in the Application log to understand the root cause of the issue.

Step 3: Restore the File in Windows Defender:

  • Click on the Start Button.
  • Open "Windows Security."
  • Navigate to "Virus and Threat Protection."
  • Select "Protection History."
  • Look for the Threat quarantined that has been quarantined.



Restoration Steps:

  • In the Action Button dropdown, select "RESTORE" to restore the particular file.

Note: Ensure that you are cautious when restoring files, especially from quarantine.
This process allows you to investigate the issue through Event Viewer, identify the root cause, and restore any files quarantined by Windows Defender if necessary.

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