Unable to feed the details for Balance sheet or profit and loss in the exbace software

Unable to feed the details for Balance sheet or profit and loss in the exbace software

XBRL or extensible Business Reporting Language is a software standard that was developed to improve the way in which financial data was communicated, making it easier to compile and share this data. Notably, eXtensible Business Reporting Language is an implementation of XML (extensible markup language), which is a specification that is used for organizing and defining data online.

KDK Software provides one such software application to convert the Financial Report in XBRL format which is eXBace with both Online and Offline functioning.

The primary operation, once the software application runs, is to create a Company. After creating the Company the transactions are then to be entered.

While using the software, if the user is unable to select any option or not able to enter any details under Balance sheet or Profit and Loss or any other tab, the possible reason being because of the General Information data either not saved or not entered.

Resolution for the above issue 

Go to Transaction  General information  Enter all required information and save this page.

Once the details are filled and saved, only then the other TAB's for Notes to Profit and Loss, Balance sheet will be enabled to fill the details in.

Note: The General Information can also be imported from previous year as option for the same is provided at the bottom of the page.


"Red star fields are required."