Unconsumed Challan Retrieval Through Software

TDS || Unconsumed challan

Steps for Unconsumed Challan Retrieval Through Software:

Step 1: Perform "Online Activity" and navigate to the "Traces Activities" button.


Step 2: Choose the "Unconsumed Challan" option from the available selections.


Step 3: Upon encountering the designated interface, proceed by clicking on the "Fetch Unconsumed Challan" button.


Step 4: The software automatically logs in to the Traces site and initiates the process of searching for unconsumed challans. Please refrain from any manual intervention; simply enter the captcha, click on login, and observe as the software seamlessly executes its tasks.


Observe the software as it works through the process, fetching data from the Traces Portal and ensuring accuracy in the retrieved challan amounts.


Step 5: Confirm the successful retrieval of data for unconsumed challans from the Traces Portal.


Step 6: After fetching unconsumed challans, proceed to select all challans and then verify them. Prior to verification, meticulously review each challan individually.


Step 7: Once the challans are successfully verified, proceed to import them into the challan entry. Verify the unconsumed amount after completing the verification process.


Step 8: After importing, select the forms corresponding to the imported challans.


Step 9: Confirm that the challans have been successfully imported into the challan entry, ensuring their correctness within the challan forms.


This clarified process should facilitate the seamless retrieval and management of unconsumed challans through the software, ensuring efficiency and accuracy in the workflow.
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