Invalid tax deducted amount.Enter valid tax deducted amount.

TDS || E-Filing → Invalid tax deducted amount.Enter valid tax deducted amount.


Root Cause of the Error
This issue arises from entering incorrect amounts in the TAX Amount (Income Tax) relative to the Amount Paid/Credited.
If the client is using the Excel Import option, please note that the "Amount of Payment ( Rs.) (419)", "Amount of Tax Deducted" and "Total Tax Deposited (421)" tabs may use currency signs or commas (,).

Solution → To resolve this issue, please follow these steps:
  1. Click on "Open Save Location".
  1. Within this folder, locate and open the generated TEXT file.
  1. Note the error line number provided by the software.
  1. Search for the corresponding record in the text file.
  1. Access the same record in the software under Deductee Transaction → Select the appropriate form (Form 26Q / 27Q or 27EQ).
  2. Refresh the data entry or enter correct amount in Amount Paid or Income Tax column.
  1. Save the changes and correct all the Deductee Entries accordingly.
  2. Regenerate the return.

Note: If the client is using the Excel Import option, please ensure that in the  "Amount of Payment ( Rs.) (419)", "Amount of Tax Deducted" and "Total Tax Deposited (421)" tabs, no currency sign or comma (,) should be used, and only two digits should follow the decimal point. For example, use 15800.60 or 85070.00 format.


Following these steps should effectively resolve the issue.
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