TDS Certificate Request Raise, Generation and Mail Process

ExpressTDS || TDS Certificate Request Raise, Generation and Mail Process (DIY)

TDS Certificate Request Raise, Generation, and Mail Process in ExpressTDS

Follow these steps to raise a TDS certificate request, generate it, and send it via email:

Step 1: Select Company/Deductor
  1. Choose the relevant company or deductor from the available list in ExpressTDS.
Step 2: Access TDS Certificate Option
  1. Navigate to the TDS Certificate option in the software.

Step 3: Specify Form Year and Quarter
  1. Select the appropriate Form, Year and Quarter for the certificate.
  2. Click Submit Request to proceed.
Step 4: Provide Request Details
  1. Complete the necessary fields to submit the request.
  1. Alternatively, you can import the TXT file for the relevant quarter to autofill the details and then click Proceed.

Step 5: Await ZIP File from TRACES
  1. Once the request is successfully submitted, wait for the ZIP file to be generated by TRACES.
  2. To check the request status, use the "View all the Raised Requests" option.
  3. If the request is not available:
    1. Raise a New Request: Navigate to TRACES and select "Raise a New Request".
    1. Update the Status: Sync ExpressTDS with TRACES to refresh the status of previously submitted requests.
    1. Enter the CAPTCHA and click Submit to verify the update.
Step 6: Generate PDF Certificate or Email the Generated PDF
  1. Once the ZIP file is available, you can choose to Generate Unsigned PDF or Generate DSC Signed PDF.
  1. EMAIL PDF Process will require a token for DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) signed PDF's.
Step 7: Download or Email the Generated PDFs
  1. After generating the PDFs, you can Download them.
  1. Clicking the Download option will provide a ZIP file containing all the generated TDS certificates in PDF format, which you can then save to your system.
Step 8: For Emailing PDFs, Use DSC Generated Signed PDFs
  1. To send the certificate via email, select the DSC Generated Signed PDF option.

Step 9: Enable Email Option
  1. After selecting the DSC Signed PDF, the Email PDF option will be enabled.
  1. You can then add deductee details and their email addresses using an Excel template or manually entering the details.
Step 10: Email the PDFs
  1. Once the deductee details and email addresses are provided, click on the Send E-Mail option.

Step 11: Deductee-wise Email Management
  1. For bulk imports, click on the Export icon.
  1. Add deductee emails in bulk (by dragging and dropping the Excel file) and import them into the system.

Step 12: Send the Email
  1. After selecting the deductees, click Send.

Step 13: TDS Certificates Sent
  1. The selected deductees will receive their TDS certificates via the email addresses entered.

NotesImportant Tip: Always double-check that the correct email addresses are entered for all deductees to ensure smooth delivery of TDS certificates.

By following these steps, you can efficiently raise a TDS certificate request, generate the certificates, and send them via email using ExpressTDS.
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