TDS || Bin Challan Verification Process
To view BIN details, provide the TAN, AIN, Nature of Payment, and Form 24G month/year range. The BIN must be quoted in the Transfer Voucher Details while preparing the quarterly TDS/TCS statements. The selected period should be within 15 months. BIN details are available for Form 24G filed from the Financial Year 2010-11 onwards.
BIN Challan Verification Process
Follow these steps to verify a BIN Challan in the system through the
TIN NSDL website.
Step 1: Navigate to the Challans Section
- Open the system and go to the "Challans" section.
Step 2: Select the Relevant Form
- Choose the appropriate form from the available options: 24Q, 26Q, 27Q, or 27EQ.
Step 3: Initiate BIN Verification
- Click "BIN Verification" to begin the verification process.
- The system will automatically redirect to the portal.
- Enter the Captcha Code, then click "View BIN Details".
Step 4: Verify Challan Details
- The portal will display all available Challans along with complete details.
- Enter the Challan Amount on the portal.
- Select the checkbox for Single or Multiple Challans as per your requirement.
- Click "Verify Amount".
Step 5: Review Verification Status
- The portal will display the Verification Status, indicating:
- "Amount Matched" – Verification successful.
- "Mismatch in Amount" – Requires correction.
By following these steps, you can efficiently verify a BIN Challan within the system.
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