Tax Audit || Observations error
An error was encountered while generating the TAX Audit JSON file →
1. Value "" is not defined in enum. Path 'FORM3CB.F3CB.Declaration.Point5.Observations[0].ObservationsCode', line 72, position 21.
2. String '' is less than minimum length of 1. Path 'FORM3CB.F3CB.Declaration.Point5.Observations[0].ObservationsVal', line 73, position 21.
Solution → To resolve this issue, follow the steps below:
- Open the TAX Audit page.
- Navigate to 3CB-3CD → 3CB Report.
- In the Qualification / Comments section, delete any blank rows.
- Click on the "Save & Exit" button.
- Now, proceed to generate the JSON file.
I hope this resolves the issue.