OLEDB Provider support

ERROR Of SQL Server OLEDB Provider support

Problem: Encountering a SQL Server OLEDB provider support error while accessing a Windows application, with the error message: "Unable to load SQL Server OLEDB provider resource DLL. The application cannot continue".


Open File Explorer: Access the File Explorer application on your system.
Navigate to Local Disk (C:): Open the local disk drive where your Windows operating system is installed (typically labeled as C:).
Browse to Program Files: Locate and enter the "Program Files" directory.
Access Common Files: Within "Program Files," find and enter the "Common Files" folder.
Enter System Directory: Look for the "System" folder within "Common Files" and open it.
Locate OLE DB Folder: Find and open the "OLE DB" folder within the "System" directory.
Check for Required Files: Look for two specific files: SQLOLEDB.RLL and SQLOLEDB.DLL.
Copy Missing Files: If either of these files is missing, you'll need to obtain them from another computer where they exist. Copy these files into the "OLE DB" folder.
Verify: Double-check that both SQLOLEDB.RLL and SQLOLEDB.DLL are present in the folder.
Restart the Application: Close and reopen the application where you encountered the error to see if the issue persists.

If the problem persists despite copying the files, or if you're unsure about performing these steps, it's advisable to seek assistance from a system engineer.

Following these steps should help resolve the SQL Server OLEDB provider support error and allow you to use the application without further issues.