Sorry can't proceed - Please execute this service on server machine

DataBase Utility || "Sorry can't proceed - Please execute this service on server machine"

The provided solution suggests troubleshooting steps for a database utility issue. Here is a breakdown of the solution:

LAN / Client System Check:
Encountering problems while opening the database utility on a Node/LAN system -->  "Sorry can't proceed - Please execute this service on server machine"
Instead of using the Database Utility on the Node/LAN system, the suggestion is to use it on the server system.

Server System Check:
If the problem persists on the server system, a specific action is recommended.

Specific Server System Action:  Navigate to either "C:\Program Files\K.D.K. Software" or “C:\Program Files (x86)\K.D.K. Software”.
Delete the "config.lan" file from this location.

Expected Result:
The deletion of the "config.lan" file is expected to resolve the problem.

Note:  The solution assumes that the issue is related to the "config.lan" file, and removing it is expected to fix the problem.

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