Sharing Procedure

Sharing Procedure

Sharing a folder on your computer allows other users on the same network to access its contents. The steps can vary slightly depending on your operating system.

Windows 10:
  1. Navigate to the Folder:

    • Locate and right-click on the folder you want to share.
  2. Select "Properties":

    • Click on "Properties" from the context menu.
  3. Go to the "Sharing" Tab:

    • In the Properties window, go to the "Sharing" tab.
  4. Click "Share":

    • Click the "Share" button.
  5. Choose Users:

    • Add the users or groups with whom you want to share the folder.
  6. Set Permissions:

    • Specify the level of access (Read or Read/Write) for each user.
  7. Click "Share":

    • Click "Share" to apply the changes.
Windows 7/8:

The process is similar, but you may find the sharing options in the "Sharing" tab directly without a separate "Share" button.

How to Share KDK Software Folder - 

1. Right Click on K.D.K Software folder→ Properties

2. Under Sharing Advance sharing → Tick on the Check Box saying “Share this folder” → Permissions Full controlApply and OK.

3. Then go to Security tab  Edit → Add → Type Everyone → OK → Check mark on Full control → Apply and OK.

·         – For special permissions or advance settings, click Advanced.

·        4.  Go to Auditing Tab → Edit Add → Type Everyone  OK Tick the check box for  Full control → Apply and OK.

5. This would enable sharing of the K.D.K Software folder to all the systems available in the network.

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