ExpressGST || Reconciliation Process: Books vs 2A/2B
Reconciliation Process: Books vs 2A/2B
Step 1: Import GSTR-2 Data
- Start by importing the GSTR-2 data into the software.
- You can do this by either uploading an Excel file or directly importing data from Tally (if your data is stored there).
Step 2: Navigate to the "Books vs 2A/2B Annual" Section
- After importing the data, go to the Books vs 2A/2B Annual section in the software.
- This is where the reconciliation process takes place.
Step 3: Select the "Invoice Wise Reco" Option
- For detailed reconciliation, click on Invoice Wise Reco.
- This option allows reconciliation at the invoice level, ensuring each invoice is compared between your books and the GSTR-2A/2B data.
Step 4: Review Reconciliation Status
- The software will categorize invoices based on their reconciliation status:
- Matched: Invoices that match between your books and the GSTR-2A/2B data.
- Partially Matched in Books Only: Invoices where some data (e.g., taxable value, GSTIN) matches, but discrepancies exist in your books.
- Partially Matched in 2A/2B Only: Invoices where some data matches in GSTR-2A/2B but discrepancies exist in your books.
- In Books Only: Invoices available in your records but not in GSTR-2A/2B.
- In Portal Only: Invoices available on the portal (GSTR-2A/2B) but not in your books.
By following these steps, you can ensure accurate reconciliation of GSTR-2 data with your books. This process helps you identify discrepancies and take corrective actions effectively.
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