Reconciliation Process

ExpressGST || Reconciliation Process: Books vs 2A/2B

Reconciliation Process: Books vs 2A/2B

Step 1: Import GSTR-2 Data
  1. Start by importing the GSTR-2 data into the software.
  2. You can do this by either uploading an Excel file or directly importing data from Tally (if your data is stored there).
Step 2: Navigate to the "Books vs 2A/2B Annual" Section
  1. After importing the data, go to the Books vs 2A/2B Annual section in the software.
  1. This is where the reconciliation process takes place.
Step 3: Select the "Invoice Wise Reco" Option
  1. For detailed reconciliation, click on Invoice Wise Reco.
  2. This option allows reconciliation at the invoice level, ensuring each invoice is compared between your books and the GSTR-2A/2B data.
Step 4: Review Reconciliation Status
  1. The software will categorize invoices based on their reconciliation status:
    1. Matched: Invoices that match between your books and the GSTR-2A/2B data.
    2. Partially Matched in Books Only: Invoices where some data (e.g., taxable value, GSTIN) matches, but discrepancies exist in your books.
    3. Partially Matched in 2A/2B Only: Invoices where some data matches in GSTR-2A/2B but discrepancies exist in your books.
    4. In Books Only: Invoices available in your records but not in GSTR-2A/2B.
    5. In Portal Only: Invoices available on the portal (GSTR-2A/2B) but not in your books.

By following these steps, you can ensure accurate reconciliation of GSTR-2 data with your books. This process helps you identify discrepancies and take corrective actions effectively.
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