Error 10061

Can't connect to MySQL server on 'LOCALHOST' (10061)

MySQL is a relational database management system based on SQL – Structured Query Language. The application is used for a wide range of purposes, including data warehousing, e-commerce, and logging applications. 
KDK Software uses MySQL as its back-end for few of its products.
During software execution if below message appears, follow the process:      [MYSQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver] Can't connect to MySQL server on 'LOCALHOST' (10061)


KDK software is multi user software. If the message appears on Main system (server system where the database is running) the solution is different from that appearing on User PC (Node / Client machine)

Error on Main system:
Note that the error normally happens if MySQL service does not starts automatically or MySQL 4.0 is not installed on your system.

Step 1: In case, "MySQL" folder is present in the any of the drive (default C Drive) drive then please follow the steps below to start the mysql service: 
  1. Go to the location "c:\mysql\bin" folder.
  2. Here, Right click on the file named "Winmysqladmin.exe" and click on "Run as administrator".
  1. When it asks for Username and password, provide Username and password as "kdk" and click "OK". 
  1. Now, Green color light will be shown at the bottom right corner of the computer screen. 
Step 2: However, if there is no “mysql" folder in "C" drive or any other drive then the user can install the MySQL 4.0 setup available on Spectrum Full Setup. [MySQL Link]
Once the above process is followed, then open the software and check if the problem yet persists.

Error on User machine (client machine / Node)
If the error message appears on User machine, then the only solution is to ignore the message and proceed to do LAN setting following the link below. [LAN Setting]

Note: There is no requirement to install MySQL 4.0 on User machine as the database path accessibility is from Main system or Server.

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