ZenRoc || MGT-7 Pre-scrutiny error.

MGT-7 Pre-scrutiny error - "To be digitally signed by Company Secretary/Company Secretary in Practice not entered." Please enter:

Possible Resolution:
The annual return, filed by a listed company or a company with paid-up share capital of ten crore rupees or more or turnover of fifty crore rupees or more, shall be certified by a Company Secretary in practice. It should include certification on such other matters as may be prescribed. The return must be signed by a director and the company secretary. In cases where there is no company secretary, it should be signed by a company secretary in practice.
Provided that in relation to One Person Company and small company, the annual return shall be
signed by the company secretary, or where there is no company secretary, by the director of the
There no option in MGT -7 form to select small company option , user have to prefill MGT -7 Form by cin number .

Note :- This is correct as per the checks applied by us, however, not completely sure about this and needs to be further checked.
Hope This Helps.
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