The term "LAN Update Process" refers to the procedure for updating software on devices within a Local Area Network (LAN). This involves ensuring that all connected devices have the latest software features, security patches, and bug fixes.

The steps in this process are as follows:

Prompt for Update: When opening the software on a LAN/client machine, a message appears if the server has been updated with the latest version of the software, indicating that the LAN/client machine needs to be updated.
Confirmation: The message asks, "Do you want to update your product from the server?" Users should click "Yes" to proceed.


Network Update Window: Clicking "Yes" opens the Networking Update window with the source and target paths already selected. Users simply need to click the "Update" button to continue.


Stop Database Services: A message advises users to stop the database services and refrain from opening the software until the update is complete.


Completion Confirmation: Upon completion, a message confirms: "Update Complete !" Users can then resume normal software usage.

In Case any Issue occur  
The provided solution outlines steps to address an issue related to a corrupted file named "OLNU.exe" used for updating from the server. Here is a summary of the solution steps:

  1. Navigate to the root location of the software:
    1. For 64-bit systems: "C:\Program Files\K.D.K. Software\KDK Support"
    2. For 32-bit systems: "C:\Program Files (x86)\K.D.K. Software\KDK Support"
  2. Open the "Update.exe" file and access the Download Manager.

  1. Download the "OLNU" file.

  1. Once downloaded, extract the file, copy it, and paste it into the following locations on both the SERVER and LAN systems:
    1. "C:\Program Files\K.D.K. Software\KDK Support"
    2. "C:\Program Files (x86)\K.D.K. Software\KDK Support"
  2. Replace the existing file when prompted.

The specific location of the "OLNU" file is within the "KDK Support" folder mentioned in the above paths.

Performing these steps is expected to resolve the issue related to the corrupted "OLNU.exe" file and allow for proper updating from the server.

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