Process for Justification File download

TDS || Process for Justification File download

The Justification Report serves as a formal notice sent to the deductor and is accessible through the TRACES portal. This comprehensive document provides detailed information regarding various defaults and errors that require rectification by the deductor. Rectification involves filing correction statements and making necessary payments for the following issues:
  1. Short Payment: Incomplete remittance of the required amount.
  2. Short Deduction: Inadequate deduction of taxes at source.
  3. Wrong PAN (Deductee/Employee): Incorrect Permanent Account Number associated with the deductee or employee.
  4. Interest on Short Payment: Accrued interest due to insufficient payment.
  5. Interest on Late Payment: Interest incurred due to delayed remittance.
  6. Additional Late Payment Interest: Supplementary interest for delayed payment.
  7. Interest on Short Deduction: Interest charged for under-deduction of taxes.
  8. Interest on Late Deduction: Interest accrued due to delayed deduction.
  9. Additional Late Deduction Interest: Extra interest imposed for delayed deduction.
  10. Short Payment on Account of Late Filing Fee: Incomplete payment related to late filing fees.
  11. Additional Late Filing Levy: Supplementary levy for delayed filing.
  12. Interest under Section 220(2): Interest applicable under Section 220(2) of the tax regulations.

To navigate through this process, users can follow the steps below to send a request and download the Justification Report:

Request for Justification file

Open the e-TDS Software:
Launch the e-TDS software and go to "Master" → "Submitted Return" in the menu bar.
Input the Date and 15-digit provisional receipt number (PRN).

Navigate to Traces Activity:
Go to "Online Activity" → "Traces Activity" in the menu bar.

Justification Request:
Click on "Justification Request"
Select the Form No. details.
Click OK.
Note: Prior to this, ensure you have selected the correct Assessment Year and Quarter under "Master"  "Change Assessment Year" (F9)and "Quarter."

Select ALL PAN's and Login to Traces:
Choose "Proceed with Default challan selection" and enter your Username and Password to log in to the Traces website.

Login to TRACES Website:
Enter your username and password for the TRACES website.

Verification Code and Login:
Enter the verification code and Click on "Login"
Automatic Data Entry (if applicable):
If using our software for filing, required details for the Justification file request will be automatically entered on TRACES.
If not, manually fill in the necessary details.
Request Number Generation:
Upon completion, a Request Number will be generated.
Justification Download in TDS Software:
After processing, find the details in the TDS software under the "Justification Download" menu.
Online Status Confirmation:
The online status should appear as "Submitted."

Download Justification report

Accessing Justification File Download:
Go to "Online Activity" → "Traces Activity"
Click on "Justification File Download" in the menu bar.

Verification of Form Type, Assessment Year, and Quarter:
Verify the details of Form No, Assessment Year, and Quarter.
Click OK.
Note: Ensure that the Assessment Year and Quarter are selected first under "Master" → "Change Assessment Year" (F9) and "Quarter."

Checking Justification Report Availability:
Click on "Get All Latest Requests & Update Status" to check for the availability of the Justification report.
The request will be updated in the software as soon as it is available.

Click on "Yes" Button.

Downloading Justification File:
If the Online Status is "Available," click on "Update Detail"
The software will redirect to TRACES, and then to the download page for the Justification file.
Message Appears - TEXT LOAD Complete Successfully. Click on "OK" Button.

Download Status Confirmation:
The download status will be updated, indicating "Click here to download."
Note: The Justification File will be saved at the default location:
C:\KDK Data\Zen TDS\TDSDownloads\Assessment year\CLIENT CODE\Quarter\REQUEST NUMBER

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