Invalid file format / BCP Utility error

TDS || "Invalid file format" or "BCP Utility error" while importing TEXT / Conso file


If you encounter the "Invalid file format" or "BCP Utility error" while importing .txt or .tds files, follow these comprehensive steps to resolve the issue:

Set the Default Export Utility Path
  1. Open the software and go to the menu.
  2. Navigate to "Tools" → "Option Settings".
  1. Locate the section for setting paths for "Export Utility Path".
  2. Set the default path in all Export Utility Path to one of the following :
    1. C:\Program Files (x86)\K.D.K. Software\Spectrum\Zen TDS\Binn
    2. C:\Program Files\K.D.K. Software\Spectrum\Zen TDS\Binn
  1. For each path, ensure you:
    1. Click on the Default Path tab.
    2. Confirm the path is correctly entered.
    3. Click OK to save the settings.
Install the SQLNCLI → If setting the default path does not resolve the issue, proceed with the following steps to update the software:
  1. Navigate to the root directory of the software:
    1. C:\Program Files (x86)\K.D.K. Software\KDK Support
    2. C:\Program Files\K.D.K. Software\KDK Support
  2. Locate and run the "update.exe" file within the root directory.
  3. After launching update.exe, click on "Download Manager".
  1. In the Download Manager, scroll down to find "SQLNCLI for SQL Server 2008 R2".
  2. Once the download is complete, locate and Install the downloaded SQLNCLI file according to the system.
Reattempt File Import →  After performing the above steps, attempt to import the .txt or .tds file again. This process should resolve the "Invalid file format" or "BCP Utility error".