Income Tax || Trial balance Import through Excel Template
How to Import Trial Balance Through Excel Template:
Preparing a trial balance through Excel involves organizing your financial data to ensure that all debits and credits balance. Here's a step-by-step guide to creating a trial balance in Excel:
Step 1:
Go to Transaction >> Balance Sheet >>Trial Balance:
Step 2:
Click on "Export" Button (To Export Excel Template) and then Save the Excel File on your Location.
Then Click on "Import Trial Balance":
Step 3:
Prepare Your Excel File
Format Your Excel Sheet:
- Ensure that your Excel sheet is properly formatted. Typically, it should include the following columns:
- Sr. No.
- Account Name
- Group
- Debit Amount
- Credit Amount
The trial balance should be balanced, meaning total debits equal total credits.
Step 4:
Click on Import Trial Balance >>
1. Import Selection >> Select "Excel".
2. Click on 3 Dots >> Select the "Template" Which is prepared.
3. Click on "Next" Button to import the Data.
Step 5:
Verify the Data and click on "Next" Button:
Step 6:
Match the Groups as per Income tax Primary Groups Available:
Step 7:
Now your data will be shown here:
Hope This Helps.