Import capital gain data via Excel template

Income Tax || Import capital gain data via Excel template

Step 1: Navigate to the Transaction section and select "Capital Gain".


Step 2: Choose the special Excel sheet made for Capital Gain from the options.


Step 3: Fill in all the info about your capital gains into the Excel sheet.


Step 4: Click the button to bring in data from Excel and say "Yes" when asked if you want to find your Excel file.


Step 5: Find your Excel file on your computer and open it up.


Step 6: Wait for the program to finish bringing in the data.


Note: Ensure to select the correct head of capital gain (Share/mutual fund) according to the data entered in Excel before importing.
If you don't adhere to these instructions, you may encounter an error message: 


So, please ensure that data is imported according to the correct head of capital gain.

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