LAN (Local Area Network) setup is developed by connecting two or more than two computers with each other using a physical connection or Wi-Fi in order to share files and data overtime.
As specified above, Spectrum is a multi user software which means the software can be used on multiple systems keeping the data centralized.
1. To proceed with LAN setting you need to install the software on LAN system. The Set up for LAN / Client is available on the www.kdksoftware.com
2. Install the desired software from this window (Recommended is Web Installer)
3. Once the software is installed on LAN, please follow the process below:
4. Please ensure that the software is completely closed on the Server and client system before following the instructions below.
1. Firstly, share the “K.D.K Software” folder on SERVER system. It will be available at the Root location where you have installed the SOFTWARE.
Default location is: “C:\Program Files\K.D.K. Software” OR "C:\Program Files (x86) \K.D.K. Software"
1. Right Click on K.D.K Software folder→ Properties
2. Under Sharing → Advance sharing → Tick on the Check Box saying “Share this folder” → Permissions → Full control → Apply and OK.
3. Then go to Security tab → Edit → Add → Type Everyone → OK → Check mark on Full control → Apply and OK.
4. This would enable sharing of the K.D.K Software folder to all the systems available in the network.
Steps to Process with LAN setting:
Please ensure that the SERVER system should be accessible from the node system and both server\client systems should be on network.
1. On client system go to the location where the software is installed Default Location : "C:\Program Files\K.D.K. Software\KDK Support” or “C:\Program Files (x86)\K.D.K. Software\KDK Support”. Double click on LAN setup.
2. Now, click on “Edit” button. Browse the Server at “Server Name/IP” field.
3. Once the Server is selected for example - Prateek, the Server IP automatically gets fetched.
4. Now as you click on Save Button, the LAN Setting will get done successfully and a window appears as given below.
5. This will put the software on LAN. You can follow the same process for other LAN’s if any.
6. Once you have completed these steps close the LAN setup window. Start the software on server and then run it on LAN system.
7. On opening the software on LAN system it will appear as “LAN VERSION”.
Hope this helps.