ITR JSON Generation → HeadOfIncome error

Zen IT || ITR JSON Generation → HeadOfIncome error


Root Cause of the Error →
This issue arises when you import Form 26AS/AIS into the software. Although the tax details are available and imported successfully, the 'Head of Income' field has not been filled in.

Solution →
To resolve this issue, please follow these steps:
  1. Open the software and go to the main menu.
  2. Select "Transactions" and then click on "Tax Detail".
  1. In the Tax Detail section, locate the entries and Double-click on each entry to open it for editing.
  1. In the entry details, find the column labeled 'Head of Income'.
  1. Click on this column and select the appropriate head of income from the dropdown menu or list provided.
  2. After selecting the correct head of income for each entry, ensure you save your changes.
  3. Repeat the process for all relevant entries to ensure that all imported tax details have the 'Head of Income' field properly filled.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the tax details imported from Form 26AS/AIS are correctly categorized, preventing any errors related to missing income heads.
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