Auth Sign PAN Missing

GSTR-1 Filing error → Auth sign pan is missing. Please enter the auth sign pan.


Process to Resolve "Auth Sign PAN Missing" Error while filing GSTR-1 Return


Follow the steps below to fix the "Auth Sign PAN Missing" error in Express GST software:

Step 1: Select the Client
  1. Open the Express GST software.
  2. Navigate to the client whose GST return you are trying to file.
  3. If the error "Auth Sign PAN is Missing" appears, it means the Auto Sign PAN details are not available for the selected client.
Step 2: Use the Sync Option
  1. Click on the Sync option in the software.
  1. A captcha prompt will appear.
    1. Enter the captcha correctly to authenticate and proceed with the synchronization.

Step 3: Proceed After Captcha
  1. After entering the captcha, click the "Proceed" button.
  2. The system will attempt to sync and fetch the necessary details, including the Authorized Signatory information.
Step 4: Wait for Synchronization
  1. The software will begin the synchronization process.
    1. This process fetches the details of the Authorized Signatory and ensures the necessary PAN information is correctly linked.
  2. Wait for the sync to complete. Alternatively, refresh the page after some time.
  3. Once the synchronization is successful, the software will notify you.
Important Notes - Ensure a stable internet connection during the synchronization process to avoid interruptions.
Following these steps should resolve the Auth Sign PAN Missing error, allowing you to proceed with filing the GST return.
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