27Q FVU Generation Errors

ExpressTDS || 27Q FVU Generation Errors

27Q FVU Generation Errors – Resolution Guide

To resolve errors encountered during 27Q FVU (File Validation Utility) generation and ensure compliance with Section 206AB of the Income Tax Act, follow the steps below based on your specific scenario.

PAN Not Available (PANNOTAVBL) & Tax Deducted at a Lower Rate


If the PAN is unavailable and you are deducting tax at a lower rate, follow these steps before generating the FVU:
  1. Select the Correct PAN Unavailability Reason: In the FVU file, select "Higher Rate - PAN Not Available", even if applying a lower tax rate.
  1. Provide Complete Deductee Information:
    1. PAN Reference Number: Enter a 10-digit PAN reference number, even if the PAN is unavailable.
    2. Valid Contact Details: Include a valid email ID and contact number.
    3. Complete Address: Provide the full address of the deductee.
    4. TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number): Ensure the TIN is correctly mentioned.

Once the necessary details are entered, proceed with FVU validation.