Secondary Country Code Missing

ExpressITR || JSON Generation Error → Secondary Country Code Missing


If you encounter the error message "Secondary country code missing, please enter" during JSON generation, follow the steps below to resolve the issue:

Steps to Resolve

Step 1: Access the Error Message
  1. Click on the error message link.
  1. This will redirect you to the Client Master page.
Step 2: Update the Secondary Country Code
  1. Navigate to the Contact Details section.
  2. Locate the field for the secondary mobile number.
  1. Use the dropdown menu next to the secondary country code field to select the appropriate country code from the list.
Step 3: Save the Changes
  1. After selecting the correct country code, click the Save button to apply the changes.

Step 4: Revalidate the Return
  1. Navigate back to the return filing process and click on the e-Filing button to revalidate the return.

By completing these steps, the issue will be resolved, allowing you to proceed with filing the return seamlessly.
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