Subscript Out of Range

Excel Import → Subscript Out of Range - Error in Excel Import


Root Cause of the Error: This issue primarily occurs when you import an Excel sheet and modify the formatting of the software's predefined Excel sheet.

Solution: To resolve this issue, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the Excel sheet that you are attempting to import.
  1. For example, the date format in the Excel sheet is incorrect. Ensure that all data formats align with the expected standards.

Step 2: Correct the data in the Excel sheet and reattempt the import process.
  1. Once corrected, the Excel sheet should import successfully.
Step 3: If the issue persists:
  1. Download a blank Excel template provided by the software.
  2. Paste your data into the new Excel file without altering the default formatting.
  3. Attempt the import again.
We hope the above steps help resolve your issue.
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