Disclosure of net profits for last three financial years

eXBace || Validation error regarding 'Disclosure of net profits for last three financial years'

Exbase validation error regarding the 'Disclosure of net profits for the last three financial years':

eXBace validation error  " value of 'Profitbeforetaxoffinancialyear' item for financialyearmember1on (NetprofitforlastthreefinancialyearsAxis) does not match the value of 'profitbeforetax' for 2019-03-31.


Follow the below steps:
Step 1:
Open the Exbace Software, go to Transaction → Notes of Profit & Loss → Corporate Social Responsibility. 

Put here Last three  year data in table "Disclosure of net profits for last three financial years [Table]"

Note - Do not enter the current year profit value in this table:
Table should be enter in  "Disclosure of net profits for last three financial years [Table]" in below sequence:
      1. Financial year 1  [Member]-  Description of financial year - 2018-2019.
      2. Financial year 2  [Member]-  Description of financial year - 2017-2018.
      3. Financial year 3  [Member]-  Description of financial year - 2016-2017.

Note :- "Profit before tax of financial year " should be same in  Financial year 1  [Member] table and in Profit and loss ( Profit previous year)
Profit and loss

Financial year 1  [Member]:

Hope This Helps.

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