exbace validation error regarding 'Borrowing'items

exbace validation error regarding 'Borrowing'items

exbace validation error regarding -Summation of 'Borrowing'items As on '31/03/2020 'does not match the value of 'LongTermBorrowing 'in FinancialStatement

Possible Resolution: -

Check Borrowing value in Balance sheet and in Borrowings table , Borrowing value should be  same at both places.

Go to transaction >Notes of Balance Sheet >Borrowings 

Go to transaction > Balance Sheet 

If  Borrowing value is  same at both places (Balance sheet and in Borrowings table) then update all tables in below sequence.

1. Borrowings
2. Balance Sheet  

Note :-Make ensure balance sheet should be match (For the balance sheet to balance, total assets should equal the total of liabilities)