Invalid Batch Header (BH) Record Length

TDS || E-Filing → Invalid Batch Header (BH) Record Length

FVU Generating Error:
Error Description:
While generating the FVU file for Form 26Q, 24Q, 27Q, & 27EQ, the following error appears:

"Invalid Batch Header (BH) Record Length, i.e., number of fields in the Batch Header are not as per file format."

There are two possible solutions available for this type of error:
Solution 01: Edit the Deductor Master.
Solution 02: Fix the Batch Header process.

InfoSolution 01: Edit the Deductor Master:
Step 1:
Go to Master >> Deductor Information:

Step 2:
Click on Edit Button

Step 3:
Edit Deductor Master Details:
  • Remove any special characters or Extra Space from the address or other details (e.g., ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + \ | [ ] { } ; : / ? . >).
  • Ensure that only alphanumeric characters and permitted symbols (like commas and spaces) are used.
  • Save the changes and revalidate before generating the FVU file.

NotesAfter updating the Deductor Master, try to re-generate the FVU file from the software. This should help resolve the issue. ✅

InfoSolution 02: Fix the Batch Header process:
Step 1:
Go to Tools >> Fixed Batch Error Button:

Step 2:
After clicking on this button, the message "Process Complete" will be displayed. Then, try to re-generate the FVU file from the software.

Hope This Helps! 😊