ZenTDS || Deductee entry error - Date of Payment Should with in financial year

Deductee entry error - The date of payment should within the financial year

Possible Solution:
This is an informational message informing you that both the "date of payment" and the "date of payment credit" should fall within the financial year.

Example :
You can observe in the following illustration that the assessment year selected is A/Y 2013-14 (F.Y. 2012-2013) and the first quarter (Apr to Jun). However, the "date of payment" and "date of payment credit" fall outside the financial year.
Here, the "date of payment" and "date of payment credit" should be between April 2012 and June 2012.

If you still wish to remove the date validation, you must follow the steps outlined below.

Go to tools > option setting

Here, uncheck the validation applicable box for "Date of deposit," "Date of payment," and "Date of Deduction."