Automation Error / ActiveX component can't create object or Class Not Register

Income Tax || Automation Error / ActiveX component can't create object or Class Not Register


Process 1: Run as Administrator

To address security concerns on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or Windows 11, follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to the location "C:\Program Files\K.D.K. Software\Spectrum".
  2. Right-click on the Spectrum icon and select "Properties".
  3. Go to the "Compatibility" tab.
  4. Check the option "Run this program as an administrator".
  5. Click "Apply" and then "OK".

Process 2: Software Update

To resolve errors, update the software by following the instructions provided in the link: Update Income Tax.

Process 3: Manual Update

If the issue persists, manually update the software with these steps:
  1. Navigate to the root location of the software: "C:\Program Files (x86)\K.D.K. Software\KDK Support" or "C:\Program Files\K.D.K. Software\KDK Support"
  2. Open the Update.exe file and click on "Download Manager".
  1. Download the "KDK Support (old)" and "DLL-Full" files.
  1. Extract the downloaded files and install KDK Support file.
  2. Copy all DLL files to the appropriate locations:
    1. For 32-bit systems: "c:\windows\system32"
    2. For 64-bit systems: "c:\windows\syswow64"

Follow these steps carefully to resolve the software issues effectively.